A Shortlist of International Organizations

As states cooperate, there are a lot of forums where they can cooperate, better known as international organizations (IOs). However, today’s IOs are not limited to states, because non-states entities can also cooperate through various IOs. Then, those whose members are states become known as intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

Today, I’ll be writing a shortlist of IOs that exist today. Here, I use the definition of international organizations as those organized bodies of either states or non-states whose scope transcends state borders. Therefore, it may include both intergovernmental organizations (IGOs, between states) and internon-governmental organizations (INGOs).

Along in this shortlist I’ll be mentioning what kind of IO each of the organization is. Some IOs may overlap and it should be anticipated. Whenever possible I’ll also provide the website to the organizations. One last thing, this short list may ultimately grow, so check regularly if there’s any new addition!

  1. United Nations [IGO, international, multidimensional]. The true international-scoped IOs with (almost) all independent, sovereign, and recognized states become members. Notice that the UN has numerous bodies under it, for instance the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Those organizations, however, are under the United Nations, therefore I put them under the UN and not separated.
  2. European Union [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. Members are European countries whose membership application are accepted (following certain criteria). It started from an economic cooperation, which evolves into a political integration. Often cited as a successful regional integration, despite the setbacks. Read my brief explanation on the EU here.
  3. Association of Southeast Asian Nations [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. 10 member states of the Southeast Asian region are members, with Indonesia, the largest of them, becoming the de facto leader, in terms of size, population, and GDP total. Often considered to be ineffective since it believes in the principle of ‘non-interference’ of national matters and for being a talk shop without significant decision making capabilities.
  4. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation [IGO, regional, economic]. APEC was first formed in Australia to involve all states along the Pacific rim (the edges of the huge Pacific Ocean). It has some of the world’s biggest economies, including the United States, Japan, China, and Indonesia.
  5. African Union [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. Beginning from the Organization of African Unity (OAU), this organization’s goal is to mimic the success of European Union’s regional integration. Nevertheless it’s success has not been pretty apparent, considering its many idealistic goals still very distant from the problems the region is facing today.
  6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization [IGO, regional, security]. Established in contention with the Eastern Bloc’s Warsaw Pact, NATO is a shadow of the Cold War, which strangely still seen as relevant in the 21st century. Indeed, this alliance has dominated many of the recent past’s military operations, including those in Afghanistan.
  7. Caribbean Community [IGO, regional, economic]. With member states of countries in the Caribbean Sea, the goal of CARICOM is to create economic integration through creation of a common market between the member states. CARICOM’s goal is also to create a coordinated economic policy between the members.
  8. Mercado Común del Sur [IGO, regional, economic]. The Mercosur is a form of economic cooperation of the South American countries, which goal is to create a common market among the economies. Members including Argentina and Brazil.
  9. Unión des Naciones Suramericanas [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. The UNASUR is formed in response to the Mercosur, in an attempt to imitate European Union’s regional integration. Therefore, UNASUR’s main action is to combine the Mercosur and the Andean Community of Nations into one organization. Membership covers the entire South American continent, with a 2019 goal of EU-like political integration is in sight.
  10. Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración [IGO, regional, economic]. Another South American (or, in this respect, Latin American) economic cooperation, the ALADI is created to promote economic integration among Latin American countries in the form trade bloc (free trade).
  11. Organization of American States [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. Having its headquarters in Washington, DC, OAS is the true organization of the American countries, with members all-encompassing, stretching from Canada to Argentina. Sometimes skeptically seen as an American (i.e. United States) tool, its foci include democracy, rule of law, prosperity, and economic cooperation among member states.
  12. Organization of Islamic Cooperation [IGO, international, multidimensional]. Established with the name ‘Conference’ instead of ‘Cooperation’, this organization’s membership is limited to those countries which government is Muslim (Muslim country) and countries with a Muslim-majority population. With focuses in politics, economic, and social issues, OIC’s ultimate goal is to be a unified voice for global Muslim population.
  13. Asian Development Bank [IGO, regional, economic]. The Bank is established in 1966 to closely mimics the World Bank, and it has practically the same aim, which is to alleviate poverty in the region of Asia Pacific. ADB gives loans, grants to help developing Asian countries. One of the major concerns of the ADB’s presence is on the massive presence of both United States (practically an outsider) and Japan, with the size of the economies, being able to influence many major decisions of the organization.
  14. Commonwealth of Independent States [IGO, regional, multidimensional]. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990, the former Soviet Republics established this organization, which is largely symbolic, in a similar fashion to the Commonwealth of Nations. The attempt to create a free trade agreement between its members is stalled by bureaucratic and corruption problems.
  15. Organisation internationale de la Francophonie [IGO, international, culture]. What started as a small club of French speakers, turns out to be an international organization, which members are countries where French is the national language, major language with significant speakers, and where French cultural affiliation is apparent. The major focuses of this organization is on cultural relations and education, with promotion of French language and culture among member states is encouraged.
  16. Fédération Internationale de la Football Association [INGO, international, sports]. By definition it is an international organization, yet its members are not the states (i.e. governments) per se, its members are the national football associations (FAs), which, according to its statute, should be independent from national government. Many FAs have been suspended due to this reason alone. Better known for having the ‘Greatest Show on Earth’, which is the FIFA World Cup.
  17. International Olympic Committee [INGO, international, multievent sports]. Established in Lausanne for the Modern Olympic Games, it known best, for, well, the Olympic Games. Its motto remains the same, “Citius, Altius, Fortius”: Faster, Higher, Stronger. Surprisingly, although the IOC is an organization of multievent sports, its members (the national olympic committee/NOCs) by number is still less than of FIFA.

Have any other IOs to be added to the list? Write them in the comment box!

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